Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Simple lunch between painting old furniture for the guest room and fitting new shutters for the girls' room: Fusilli salad with mini tomatoes and blanched spinach

Yes, we are living most busy and crafty times this moment!
So busy that I finally  forgot to take a picture of the  finished salad.  I'm sorry! Instead I'll give you the exact instructions (very easy) how to assemble and some pictures of the renovation in progress.

As for the salad: in the beginning, just follow the pictures 

250g fusilli
a handful of mini tomatoes, cut in halves
500g spinach, blanched
herbs from the garden ( mint, lemon balm and oregano), finely chopped

Assemble all ingredients in a bowl, pulling the spinach to pieces and season with salt, pepper, vinegar and olive oil. Enjoy it lukewarm or cold, it's equally delicious!

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